Hillary Clinton Defies Pro-Palestinian Dems, Claims Cease-Fire Would Be “Gift to Hamas”

There is heated discussion about whether or not world leaders should put pressure on Israel to implement a ceasefire with Hamas in the United States and the United Nations. After terrorists entered into its territory and attacked Israel, killing innocent civilians, the Middle Eastern country is now bombarding the Gaza Strip. Over 1,400 Israelis, including infants, have lost their lives.

More than 8,000 people have been killed on the Gaza side of the conflict. Although casualties are mounting, not everyone is calling for an end to hostilities. One senior Democrat has expressed concern that such a step may provide aid to terrorists.

Clinton Weighs In

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton celebrated 30 years of the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University on October 26. The former first lady told Norah O’Donnell that those who are pushing for a truce between Israel and Hamas “don’t understand Hamas.”

Clinton continued by saying that during the entire ceasefire, the militant group would be stocking up on weapons in preparation for another war with Israel. She argued that a pause in hostilities would be a “gift to Hamas” that would help the group’s leaders consolidate their power.

Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu has ignored peace overtures. He shares Clinton’s view that a pause in the war will only embolden Hamas. Similarly, he declared, his country “will not agree to a cessation of hostilities with Hamas after the horrific attacks of October 7.” He cited the United States’ refusal to accept a ceasefire following the assaults on Pearl Harbor and September 11.

UN Calls for Ceasefire

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has slammed Israel for the number of dead civilians in Gaza. He called it “totally unacceptable” and said everyone involved should “respect their obligations under international humanitarian law.”

Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees, spoke at an emergency UN meeting on October 30 and said, “an immediate ceasefire has become a matter of life and death for millions.” He accused Netanyahu of punishing all Gazans.

Fractures in the Democratic Party

President Joe Biden has promised Israel complete American support and has already deployed aid to the region. People on the Left have dubbed him “Genocide Joe” because of his support for Israel’s war. Last month, Gallup issued a poll showing the president’s plummeting approval rating within his own party. From September to October, they went down by 11. The president’s chances of getting reelected in 2024 may be hurt by the situation in Israel as he heads into the next election.




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