GOP Rep. Rants Theory At FBI Director: ‘Ghost Buses’ Filled With Informants Incited Jan. 6

Representative Clay Higgins from Louisiana implied that the FBI deployed “ghost buses” containing informants to provoke the events leading to the Capitol attack on January 6, 2021.

During a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on Wednesday, Representative Higgins posed numerous inquiries to FBI Director Christopher Wray regarding his agency’s involvement in the events of January 6.

“If you are asking whether the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was part of some operation orchestrated by FBI sources and/or agents, the answer is emphatically no,” Wray remarked.

“Are you familiar with, you know, what a ghost vehicle is? Director, you’re director of the FBI, certainly should. You know what a ghost bus is?,” Higgins inquired.

Wray expressed uncertainty about having employed such terminology in the past.

Higgins explained that the term “ghost bus” is commonly used to denote an unmarked vehicle employed for covert or undisclosed purposes.

“These two buses in the middle here, they were the first to arrive at Union Station on Jan. 6,” Higgins indicated, gesturing toward a photograph.”I have all this evidence. I’m showing you a tip of the iceberg.”

At that juncture, a Democratic member of the committee observed that Higgins had exceeded his allotted time. Nevertheless, the Republican legislator continued with a passionate expression of his views.

“I note that other members across the aisle have been granted time, and I object to my question being closed. This is a very significant hearing, Mr. Chairman, and these buses are nefarious in nature and were filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters and deployed onto our Capitol on Jan. 6.”




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