Elderly Lowe’s Worker Fired After Getting Repeatedly Punched in the Face Trying to Stop Thieves

A Lowe’s employee in Georgia, Donna Hansbrough, aged 68, made an effort to prevent shoplifters from stealing $2,100 worth of merchandise. As a result, she not only lost her job but also ended up with a black eye. The incident took place at a store located in Rincon, which is approximately 30 minutes north of Savannah. According to the police, Donna noticed three individuals loading up a shopping cart with items and leaving the store without paying.

Afterward, the experienced employee took hold of the shopping cart that was supposedly being pushed by Takyah Berry. According to authorities, Berry struck the older woman in the face three times during the altercation. Following the incident, Berry, accompanied by her uncle, Joseph Berry, and another man identified by the police as Jarmar Lawton, fled the scene with the stolen goods, as stated in a news release by the Rincon Police Department.

Reportedly, Hansbrough was fired from her 13-year-long job for breaching company policy by intervening in the incident with the shoplifters.

“They say that if you see somebody stealing something out the door, not to pursue, not to go out. I lost it. I grabbed the cart. I don’t actually remember going out but I did. And I grabbed the cart that had the stolen items in it,” Hansbrough said.

The ex-employee mentioned that she acted on instinct and didn’t anticipate that her employer would terminate her for her actions.

“I didn’t expect to get terminated. Maybe a reprimand or a suspension. I just got tired of seeing things get out the door. I just, I lost it. I basically lost all the training. Everything they tell you to do, I just, I just lost it. I can’t sit at home. I’m not that type of person,” she told further stated.




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