Four More Texas Counties Declare Border Crisis An Invasion

The judges and commissioners of four more Texas counties—Frio, Karnes, La Salle, and Medina—have made an official announcement regarding an invasion occurring at the southern border. This declaration underscores the increasing worry and consequences of border-related challenges in these areas, underscoring the immediate need for attention and measures to tackle the circumstance.

Under the leadership of recently elected Atascosa County Judge Weldon Cude, the judges from these counties have united in a joint endeavor to establish a coalition. Their primary objective is to motivate other counties to declare an invasion and defend Texas’ sovereignty.

This coalition represents a cohesive alliance formed by 87 judges who were newly elected in November. Prior to his own election, Judge Cude’s Atascosa County had already taken proactive measures by issuing a disaster declaration in 2021 and declaring an invasion in 2022.

During an exclusive interview with The Center Square, Cude conveyed his bewilderment over the relatively small count of counties that had officially declared an invasion.

Cude remarked, “Why wouldn’t you declare an invasion? If you have people from all over the world coming into your county by bus, plane, or smuggling people and drugs, why wouldn’t you declare an invasion? It’s important when you have millions coming across your southern border. What is it – if it isn’t an invasion?”

Prior to assuming the role of county judge, Cude held six consecutive terms as a county commissioner, representing a rural area south of San Antonio with a predominantly Hispanic population. The region he represented is renowned for its predominantly Republican voting tendencies.

During a judges’ orientation in February, Judge Cude had the chance to meet Judge John Paul Schuster, the newly elected Kinney County Judge, who shared the crisis his county was facing.

Motivated by this encounter, Cude and Schuster proactively reached out to other judges, fostering a collaborative effort that led to four more counties declaring an invasion.

In a combined effort, they formed a coalition alongside fellow judges from neighboring counties, with a shared goal of prioritizing the safety, security, and well-being of their respective residents. This coalition serves as a platform for mutual assistance and cooperation, aiming to utilize all legal means to effectively tackle the ongoing crisis.

The judges and commissioners of Frio, Karnes, La Salle, and Medina made an official declaration of invasion by signing a new resolution.

The initiative to declare an invasion was spearheaded by Kinney County, which set the movement in motion by issuing a disaster declaration on April 21, 2021. In the aftermath, over 50 counties have followed suit, issuing their own disaster declarations and citing the border crisis as the root cause.




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