Geraldo Rivera Points Out Biden’s Biggest Weakness

Geraldo Rivera made a remark regarding President Joe Biden’s “frailty” during an appearance on CNN Tonight. Rivera, who is also 80 years old, remarked that he could not believe how often Biden seemed to get lost or forget what he was trying to say. Rivera claims that Biden looks weak and shaky whenever he is on stage, especially in contrast to Trump’s spry 77 years. Trump, according to Rivera, might “eat him alive on stage” because of how weak Biden appears.

The ex-Fox presenter observed that Trump “bounds” onto the stage every time he speaks. He does not need to use the handrail to hurry up or down the steps. The difference in age between Trump and Biden is merely three years, but Rivera claims that Trump is the more youthful of the two.

Rivera views Joe Biden as a “old guy,” despite the fact that they are only eight months apart in age. Trump’s “biggest weapon,” according to him, is Biden’s vulnerability and weakness.

According to a recent poll conducted by CBS News, respondents are also worried about Biden’s advanced age and diminished mental capacity. If re-elected, the poll finds that 34% of voters believe Biden will serve out his full term. 55% of voters, though, think Trump could serve out a full term in office.

The White House press secretary recently justified Biden’s age by claiming “80 is the new 40.” According to reports, Trump acknowledges that Biden is not too old to run for president but expresses reservations about the former vice president’s ability to do the job.

The CBS survey shows Trump with a 50% to 49% advantage over Biden, which Rivera calls “extraordinary” given the 91 allegations against Trump in four pending criminal cases. After the rioting on January 6 at the U.S. Capitol following the 2020 election, Rivera decided that Trump did not deserve a second term as president.

Including himself, Rivera claims everyone will eventually have to “come to grips with” the fact that Trump is ahead of Biden.




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