Poll: Large Majority Sees ‘Crisis’ At Southern Border

According to a recent survey, a significant majority of Americans view the present state of affairs at the southern border as a grave concern, with nearly half of voters labeling it as a “crisis.” This sentiment follows the unprecedented surge in attempted migrant crossings in 2023, marking the highest levels in the nation’s history. Additionally, several cities struggled to cope with the impact of the ongoing wave of migrants.

In a recent survey conducted by CBS News/YouGov, a substantial majority of Americans voiced serious apprehension regarding the prevailing circumstances at the border. There has been a notable surge in migrant flows since President Joe Biden assumed office in 2021.

Presently, 45% of Americans characterize the existing conditions at the border as a “crisis,” while an additional 30% term it as “very serious.”

Merely 7% indicate that the issue is not a substantial concern. The proportion of individuals labeling the situation as a crisis has seen a noteworthy uptick since the latter part of the previous year. Furthermore, President Biden’s approval rating regarding his management of border issues stands at a mere 32%.

In response to inquiries about the administration’s approach to the border, 63% of Americans expressed the opinion that the White House should adopt a stricter stance, while 21% believed that Biden’s handling was appropriate. Another 16% suggested that the administration should take a more lenient approach to address the ongoing issues.

Republicans are set to initiate impeachment proceedings against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, alleging a neglect of responsibilities concerning the southern border.

The House Homeland Security Committee is scheduling its inaugural hearing on the matter on January 10.

Representative Mark Green (R-TN), who chairs the committee, asserted that Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas represents the most significant domestic threat to national security and the safety of the American people.

Moreover, alongside the overall figure exceeding two million migrants entering the country in 2023, December of that same year established a new record for attempted crossings, surpassing 260,000.

There are reports suggesting that Congress is contemplating additional funding for the border in the midst of ongoing budget discussions. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) have both suggested that negotiations are moving forward. Yet, it remains uncertain whether the funding will be approved and if Washington, D.C., will avert a government shutdown.




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