RFK Jr. Issues Dire Warning to Democrats

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent candidate, has advised state officials against efforts to exclude former President and potential presidential candidate Donald Trump from the ballot.

During December, the Democratic-majority Colorado Supreme Court issued a split verdict that initially removed Trump from the primary ballot in the state. Following suit, Shenna Bellows, the Democratic Secretary of State in Maine, also excluded him from the ballot in her state. These actions stirred controversy and intensified polarization. Numerous political analysts emphasize that the ultimate resolution to the Republican candidate’s legal battle against these decisions rests with the United States Supreme Court.

In the interview with host Martha MacCallum, Kennedy expressed his view that these rulings were not just misguided but also highly counterproductive. He emphasized that, despite not being a supporter of Trump, fair competition should prevail without the hindrance of the “playing field” created by the removal of Trump from the two ballots.

The independent contender further stated his belief that American voters desire a fair competition, genuine debates, and a true democracy. He conveyed to MacCallum that every American wishes to have the freedom to choose their candidates and presidents without the intervention of a court making those decisions for them.

In the case of Colorado, Kennedy clarified that the Supreme Court’s decision was inherently flawed, emphasizing that Trump has not faced conviction or charges related to insurrection. He contended that the due process rights of the conservative leader were undermined. 

While conversing with the Fox News host, Kennedy voiced apprehension about the actions taken against Trump potentially transforming him into a quasi-mythical figure. Additionally, he asserted that the difficulties faced by the former president are contrary to American principles, resembling situations often observed in banana republics.

As per various sources, Kennedy’s run for the presidency is surpassing initial expectations. A recent survey conducted by Monmouth University indicated that one out of every five registered voters is open to backing third-party candidates such as him. The poll also highlighted his potential to garner 14 percent of support from both Trump and the current U.S. President, Joe Biden.




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