Texas Gets to Work Building Its Own Border Wall

In an effort to reduce the number of new migrants entering the US through the southern border, the Texas government, at the direction of Governor Greg Abbott, has constructed 2 miles of new border fence in the El Paso region.

The citizens of El Paso are already benefiting from this new initiative to increase the security of the border. On their website, Julian Resendiz posted the following.

“The guard began setting up the barrier last week at a gap in the border wall west of the Paso del Norte port of entry. In the space of eight days, the barbed wire has nearly reached a second port of entry and the chain-link fence anchored by sandbags extends even farther. The result is that asylum seekers can no longer walk across ankle-deep water in the Rio Grande and turn themselves into waiting Border Patrol agents in that area.”

1st Sgt. Suzanne Ringle, a border patrol agent herself, said in an interview that the additional fencing has made a huge difference.

The federal government has been clamoring for assistance from the Border Patrol, and it seems that Texas’ state leadership has had enough of waiting.

As the Texas National Guard has stepped in to support Border Patrol, Ringle claims that the presence of Humvees and a continuous patrol of troops at the border has also helped to stem the flood of migrants.

This occurs at a time when many Americans are recognizing the glaring contrast between Joe Biden’s lax immigration policy and Donald Trump’s tenacious defense of the southern border.

Donald Trump frequently discussed border security and the freedom of immigrants to enter the country. The message frequently echoed an idea expressed in this wonderful Trump remark.

“Immigration is a privilege, not a right, and the safety of our citizens must come first.”




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