WATCH: Angry Chris Christie CONFRONTS Megyn Kelly?

Megyn Kelly revealed details of her intense exchange with former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie during the fourth 2024 Republican presidential primary debate on Wednesday. According to Kelly, Christie expressed frustration, expressing his displeasure at not receiving an adequate number of questions as a presidential candidate.

The concise 13-second video captured during a commercial break depicted Christie engaging in assertive conversation with the debate’s moderators, namely Kelly and Eliana Johnson from the Washington Free Beacon.

“He was mad that he wasn’t getting enough questions. And he said, ‘I made it up at this stage, and I haven’t been able to speak in awhile. And I should have been brought in on that last debate.’”

Despite Christie’s discontent, Kelly clarified that she was confident the former governor would eventually receive the desired stage time during the latter half of the debate.

Kelly mentioned that the equitable allocation of questions became disrupted due to the heated exchanges involving Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy during the initial segment of the debate.

Despite providing an explanation for Christie’s potential sense of neglect, Kelly conveyed a firm message to the presidential candidate on her show the following day.

“He’s polling at 2%! In no debate ever, and I’ve now done six of them, have we given as many questions to the guy who’s at 3% as to the person who’s in the lead, at least among the candidates that are on the stage. I’m sorry, Gov. Christie. That’s the way it is. Vivek got 22 minutes, DeSantis 21, Haley 17, Christie 16 and 52 seconds. So he was a half a minute behind Haley, who’s tied up there for number one.”

The exchange between Christie and the ex-Fox News host was not the sole instance of heightened emotions for the former governor during Wednesday night’s debate.




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