White House Cancels Biden’s Schedule Due to Dental Emergency

President Joe Biden had to make significant changes to his agenda on Monday because of an unforeseen root canal treatment. As per a statement by Physician to the President Kevin O’Connor, the president underwent his first dental appointment for a problematic lower right premolar on Sunday, prompted by discomfort he was experiencing.

“They determined that endodontic treatment (root canal) was most appropriate. Initial root canal procedure was performed at the time (Sunday), with a plan for specialized endodontal follow-up in the near future. The president tolerated the procedure well. There were no complications,” O’Connor stated.

Nevertheless, on Monday morning, the White House made an announcement that Biden would undergo the second phase of the procedure later in the day due to ongoing discomfort. This abrupt decision resulted in the need to rearrange or adjust Biden’s complete public schedule.

One of the impacted events was Biden’s scheduled speech to honor the NCAA championship teams for both men and women for the 2022-2023 season. Vice President Kamala Harris took on the responsibility of delivering the speech in his place. Furthermore, his planned bilateral meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the White House reception for Chiefs of Mission had to be delayed and rescheduled for the next day, according to the White House’s statement.

It is important to mention that the recent dental procedure is not the first instance of President Biden undergoing medical treatments while in office. In 2021, he underwent a routine colonoscopy that required anesthesia, leading to a temporary transfer of power to Vice President Harris. Additionally, in February of this year, Biden had a cancerous skin lesion removed from his chest.

The White House clarified that the President will not be placed under anesthesia for the dental procedure, and there is no intention to invoke the 25th amendment.




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