China Humiliates Biden Diplomats to Their Faces

By skipping a prominent diplomatic session at the United Nations in New York on Friday, the Chinese Communist Party embarrassed the Biden administration.

“The Chinese government’s failure to show up at today’s food security ministerial at the United Nations in New York is disappointing, but sadly not surprising. Last year China gave the World Food Program less than 1/1000th what the United States did. This year the UN has not cataloged a single humanitarian contribution from China, after a paltry $9.2 million last year,” according to a Biden administration official.

Top Biden diplomats criticized the recent Supreme Court decision reversing Roe v. Wade while ignoring the irony that the United States is one of just a small number of countries in the world to have permitted abortion-on-demand, including North Korea and China.

The SCOTUS decision, according to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, was regrettably not unexpected. The US ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, went even farther in her condemnation.

Added Thomas-Greenfield,  “The Supreme Court has taken away the established, fundamental, constitutional right to abortion from millions of Americans. This is a cruel, dark and dangerous decision. What makes this decision so heartbreaking is that Americans had a clear and unequivocal constitutional right stripped away.”

“Roe v. Wade not only protected the right to privacy, it also reaffirmed basic principles of gender equality. I have traveled the globe advocating for women’s rights. Now, this decision renders my own country an outlier among developed nations in the world.”

However, the United States has some of the laxest abortion regulations in the world, the Supreme Court has changed that by recognizing that the states have the power to regulate abortion.

Director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, Nile Gardiner, objected to the excessive virtue-signaling of the Biden officials.

The Biden administration’s submission to the communist nation is commensurate with the diplomatic insult from the Chinese. Over 30,000 U.S. entities, including local governments, were affected by a severe breach in July 2021, which was later linked to Chinese hackers.

This is exactly how the White House handled Covid-19’s Chinese heritage. The Covid-19 outbreak, which even the head of the WHO now believes was caused by a lab leak at Wuhan, was fatally delayed by China in being reported to the globe. The Biden administration declined to criticize China for this.




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