Biden Sinks to Lowest Numbers Since President Carter

President Joe Biden is currently engaged in his bid for reelection; however, the latest polls do not show favorable results. The approval ratings for the 46th President of the United States are significantly low, indicating a challenging situation as November approaches.

On January 25, Gallup released a recent survey revealing President Biden’s average job approval for his third year. The results indicate that a mere 39.8% of Americans express approval for the president’s performance in office.

The sole president to register such a low approval rating at this juncture in their initial term was ex-President Jimmy Carter, whose average stood slightly above 37.4%. During Carter’s period of declining poll numbers, the nation grappled with soaring gas prices, the Iranian hostage crisis, and double-digit inflation.

In the previous year, President Biden faced significant challenges in the polls, making the currently low third-year average expected. In November, October, and April, his approval ratings dropped to 37%. The decline in the president’s approval ratings began after the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021, marking the conclusion of the 20-year war.

Americans witnessed disorder unfold during the withdrawal, followed by a tragic incident where a suicide bomber claimed the lives of 13 U.S. service members and approximately 160 Afghan civilians.

Aside from the turmoil in Afghanistan, the United States has grappled with soaring inflation, affecting various facets of people’s lives. Approximately half of U.S. renters find housing costs beyond reach, leading to millions of Americans being unable to afford homeownership. Healthcare expenses continue to escalate, and educational challenges persist across the country.

Biden’s choice to back Israel in its conflict with Hamas has had a negative impact on his standing in the polls. The far-left has consistently criticized this decision, accusing him of supporting a genocide.

The Gallup poll figures for January present a challenging situation for the beleaguered president. A survey conducted from January 2 to January 22 reveals a dismal 41% approval of his job performance among Americans. These figures aren’t promising for someone expected to contend with the most popular Republican in generations come November.




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