Complete Disgrace: Democrat State Senator Says “F*** the Suburbs” While Giving Speech On Senate Floor

Democrat State Senator LaTonya Johnson from Wisconsin expressed herself in a vulgar manner during her speech on the Senate floor last Wednesday. Representing Wisconsin’s 6th district, Johnson strongly criticized a recent budget proposal from the Republican party, using profanity in her remarks. She conveyed her opinion to her fellow senators, stating that the suburbs lack understanding of city life by saying, “F- the suburbs cause they don’t know a goddamn thing about how life is in the city.”

Despite the controversial nature of Johnson’s statements, she has refrained from offering an apology for her remarks. Interestingly, her comments have garnered support from within her own party, as some Democratic lawmakers have openly applauded her passionate expression. One such lawmaker, Wisconsin State Representative Francesca Hong, swiftly came to Johnson’s defense, emphasizing that Johnson’s words were driven by passion rather than malice.

In a show of solidarity, Hong not only endorsed Johnson’s statements but also took the opportunity to level accusations against Republicans. According to Hong, she believes that Republicans have been actively involved in enacting policies that perpetuate discrimination. By making this claim, Hong suggests that Johnson’s outburst was a response to what she perceives as a history of unfair legislation by Republicans.

“Senator Johnson spoke passionately to defend the communities she represents. Republicans who continuously weopanize and villinize the people of Milwaukee without accountability need to answer for constantly legislating racism. These absurd times in state gov call for real talk.”




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