DeSantis Comeback? Major Endorsement Announced

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, previously considered a strong contender for the GOP presidential nomination, faced a decline in enthusiasm due to several missteps, resulting in stagnant poll figures. However, a recent significant endorsement has sparked speculation about a potential resurgence in his standing.

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds (R) publicly endorsed DeSantis for president on November 6. Speaking at a rally in Des Moines, she emphasized his suitability for national leadership, stating he is the ideal candidate needed for the upcoming critical election, stressing the high stakes involved.

On a platform formerly known as Twitter, she communicated to her followers that DeSantis is the champion who will stand up and fight on their behalf.

During a shared NBC News interview with DeSantis, Reynolds remarked that she doubts the potential victory of former President Donald Trump against President Joe Biden, citing this skepticism as a significant factor in her endorsement of the Florida governor. 

DeSantis expressed gratitude for the Iowa governor’s support, particularly given that Iowa is the first state set to hold caucuses next year, and he aims to secure victory there as a conservative candidate. He praised Reynolds as a beloved leader by Iowans, noting that every mention of her garners enthusiastic cheers from the crowd.

Despite DeSantis’s positive perception of Reynolds’ popularity, recent polling contradicts this view. According to an Emerson College survey, Reynolds holds a meager 32% approval rating among Iowa residents and a modest 55% among Republicans.

On Truth Social, Trump derided the endorsement, questioning the rationale behind supporting Ron DeSanctimonious, likening him to a faltering bird in descent. The former president accused the Florida governor of advocating to dismantle Medicare and Social Security, highlighting Reynolds’ reputation as one of the least popular governors in the nation. The impact of Reynolds’ endorsement on DeSantis is uncertain and remains to be observed.




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