Entire State’s Congressional GOP Members Endorse Trump for President

Fox News Digital has obtained information that all members of the Michigan Republican congressional delegation are endorsing former President Trump for the 2024 White House race, securing significant support in an important state for the GOP primary. The current front-runner in the 2024 Republican presidential field, Trump, has received endorsements from Representatives Jack Bergman, Bill Huizenga, John James, Lisa McClain, John Moolenaar, and Tim Walberg. In a joint statement to Fox News Digital, the lawmakers expressed their pride in endorsing President Donald J. Trump.

“Under the Trump presidency, America was prosperous, the economy was strong, the world was a safer place, and Michiganders were better off. President Trump has proven he has the ability to deliver results on Day One and also the ability to win in key battleground states like Michigan, being the only Republican to win a Presidential race here since 1988.”

After a 28-year gap, Donald Trump achieved a significant milestone in 2016 by becoming the first Republican presidential candidate to win Michigan, securing 15 electoral votes. Looking ahead, Michigan is scheduled to hold its nominating contests on February 27, 2024, preceding Super Tuesday, which positions it as one of the earliest states on the GOP presidential primary calendar.

According to a senior campaign aide who spoke to Fox News Digital, former President Trump has dedicated years to cultivating connections with members of Congress, including those in the Michigan delegation. In 2022, Trump endorsed all six of the Michigan lawmakers mentioned. Additionally, Trump showed his support for James during his campaigns for the U.S. Senate in both 2018 and 2020. The campaign aide further highlighted that Trump and James have jointly campaigned across Michigan for the past six years.

“This monumental clean sweep in Michigan and other key endorsements across the country signify Republicans are rallying behind President Trump because they know he is the only person to stop Joe Biden and his destructive policies that have killed the economy and made Americans less safe,” a representative speaking on behalf of Donald Trump informed Fox News Digital.




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