Federal Employee Allegedly Decapitated by Son

A Pennsylvania resident is accused of murder for fatally harming his father, subsequently showcasing the severed head in a disturbing video on YouTube. The individual in question has a documented record of pursuing unusual legal actions against both businesses and government bodies. Notably, the victim held a position within the federal government, and the suspect’s purportedly delusional conspiracy theories may have contributed to the motive behind the violent act.

A 32-year-old Middletown Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania resident named Justin Mohn uploaded a video to YouTube on January 30. Mohn was shown carrying a plastic bag with a severed human head in the graphic scenario; the same head was later seen inside a boiling pot.

Approximately 7 p.m. the day that Denice Mohn, his mother, went back to her house. Upon opening the door, she discovered that her son had vanished, and her husband, Michael Mohn, 68, had been left lifeless in a pool of blood on the floor. Police were summoned right away, and during their search of the home, they discovered a kitchen knife and machete in the bathtub. Michael’s skull was found in a cooking pot that was in a bedroom, still sealed in the plastic bag.

Police promptly initiated a search for Justin Mohn, who had absconded with his father’s vehicle. Utilizing cell phone tracking, they successfully pinpointed his whereabouts approximately 100 miles distant, in the vicinity of Fort Indiantown Gap. Authorities apprehended him at 9:25 p.m. outside a National Guard armory, where he was found seated in the vehicle, firearm in possession. Despite his armed state, law enforcement effectuated his arrest without incident.

Justin Mohn appears to harbor a persistent, though somewhat unfounded, animosity toward the federal government. He has pursued legal action on multiple occasions, including at least three lawsuits, with the most recent filing occurring in July 2023. In these suits, he alleged that he was coerced into obtaining student loans due to negligence on the part of the authorities. However, all of these cases were ultimately dismissed by the courts.

In 2020, he brought a lawsuit against a previous employer, alleging sex discrimination. Mohn’s employment at the insurance firm lasted less than a year before he was fired for forcefully opening office doors. This legal matter was also resolved with a dismissal. Concurrently, he independently published a book titled “The Revolution Leader’s Survival Guide.”

In a YouTube video titled “Mohn’s Militia – Call To Arms For American Patriots,” Mohn referred to his father, employed with the Army Corps of Engineers, as a “traitor.” He proceeded to express vehement criticisms of the federal government and voiced opinions on several liberal political matters. The judiciary must now discern whether he aligns with right-wing extremist ideologies or if his behavior is indicative of mental instability.




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