Former Democrat Jumps Ship, Joins GOP

An old-school Democrat has finally had enough of the far left and switched camps. Will Pierce was a campaign advisor for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and President Joe Biden in 2020 and 2018, respectively. Right now he’s a registered Republican.

In an opinion piece published on December 11th in the Daily Caller, Pierce—who served as the executive director of Biden’s exploratory committee during the 2016 presidential campaign—announced his newfound loyalty. Commencing by stating that he had been a “loyal Democrat for as long as I can remember,” he went on to describe his collaborations with Sanders and Biden.

His next statement was that he can no longer disregard his long-standing concerns about the direction the party is taking. Democratic Party leaders, says Pierce, are “radicalizing every issue” and fixated on stripping us of our rights. An affluent elite that doesn’t care about regular Americans, he said, has taken over the party and driven it further and more away from the masses. According to him, Democrats have “declared war on concerned parents” who are against teaching young children sexual stuff, and he blasted liberal education policies for it.

There was criticism of Biden as well. As an example of the president’s “struggles” with his job, Pierce brought up the scandal involving the president’s family. Furthermore, he denounced the Clintons’ “heavy-handed influence” and scoffed at the party’s record of increasing government spending and size at the expense of the people.

To clarify, Pierce had not given up his principles just because he had joined the Republican Party. Instead, he claimed he was seeking a political faction that believed in “a free, united and prosperous America.” A “Offers a new path forward” is the Republican Party’s emphasis on personal responsibility and freedom, which he lauded. Pierce may have taken his time finding it, but he has finally arrived, and the fact that someone so closely associated with prominent Democrats has had enough should cause concern among the liberal elite.




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