Liberal Celebrity Comes to Disturbing Realization That Trump was Right

Russell Brand, a British comedian, and liberal celebrity, was once married to Katy Perry. He has now come to the disturbing realization that Trump was right to claim that Russia collusion is a hoax, and that the Clintons are corrupt.

In a video he uploaded to his Rumble account, the comedian revealed his epiphany.

“Well, now there’s serious evidence that it was the Clinton campaign and Hillary Clinton acolytes that were directly involved in the generation of what has proven to be conspiracy — untrue!

“Think about how much media you watched. Me, a person who I think, broadly speaking, is from the left — a liberal, certainly not a Trump-supporting Republican, with respect to those of you who are — I find myself in awe, gobsmacked, flabbergasted and startled by these revelations.”

“What my concern is becoming is that these are totemic issues pushed to the forefront to mask ordinary, regular corruption like the Russiagate thing, the Hunter Biden laptop, all of that stuff.”

“And it was like, being sort of in a way discussed as if it was just an absolute fact. To discover that this was propaganda, a construct, a confection by the Democratic Party — who, of course, are now in government — is kind of beyond disappointing, because you begin to question and query what other things may not be true,” he said.

“Once you recognize that people create certain truths in order to meet certain ends and aims, the idea that you might be able to trust their integrity obviously dissolves.”

Brand also added that “we have to recollect just how prevalent this story was. Every late-night talk-show, all over the news, it was just — you were bombarded with it.”

Brand stated that he believed the Democratic Party was the party of “inclusivity and diversity, truth, social justice, and all great, positive thoughts.” However, it seems that he isn’t so certain anymore.

If Russell Brand can see that Trump was correct about the Clintons’ and Russia hoax. This shows that conservatives must continue fighting for the right to see more left-wingers in America.




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