Multiple Volunteers Evacuated From Haiti Amid Unrest

American authorities aided in a bold rescue mission this week to safely evacuate writer Mitch Albom, his spouse Janine, and eight additional volunteers from a concealed site in the capital of Haiti. It’s reported that Representatives Cory Mills and Lisa McClain organized a private helicopter to retrieve the group, who had been engaged in volunteer work at the Have Faith Mission in Port-au-Prince, on March 12th.

The pilot flew all ten individuals to the nearby Dominican Republic. Details about their location beyond that remain undisclosed. Nevertheless, Albom posted on X, previously known as Twitter, on the same day, mentioning his return to “American soil.”

The unfolding of the high-stakes rescue operation provides a clear illustration of the risks associated with residing or traveling to Haiti at present. Albom’s journey began with a routine trip to the Have Faith Haiti mission in Port-au-Prince earlier this month. He has overseen operations at the facility since shortly after Haiti endured a catastrophic earthquake in 2010.

Despite being well-informed about the continuing political and social turmoil in Haiti, he and his team remained steadfast in their commitment to serving the orphanage. However, they could not anticipate that the already unstable situation would worsen following two significant prison breaks on March 5.

The mass release of numerous prisoners initiated a crime spree lasting several weeks, endangering civilians caught in the midst of the chaos. Rival gangs, already holding sway over as much as 80% of Port-au-Prince, engaged in kidnappings, assaulted a nearby airport, and clashed violently on the streets. Jimmy Cherizier, head of the notorious “G9 Family and Allies,” cautioned against international intervention during a press briefing on Tuesday. He additionally demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

Mere hours later, the Prime Minister acquiesced to that request. However, two days before, the US Embassy had already imposed a travel restriction, compelling Albom and his team to remain in their current location.

Albom recounted to Fox News host Brian Kilmeade the following day how they hastily boarded a helicopter in the darkness, emphasizing the necessity of departing after nightfall due to the risk of gangs firing at helicopters.

In a subsequent statement, Albom conveyed appreciation for the rescue and acknowledged their fortunate escape. Nonetheless, he voiced ongoing apprehension for the safety of the 60 children and 40 staff members his team had to leave behind.




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