Rufo’s Book Takes Aim at Far-Left’s Infiltration of Nation

A new book by Christopher Rufo delves into the infiltration of radical activists into various aspects of our society and government. As a senior fellow at the conservative think tank, the Manhattan Institute, Rufo questioned why left-wing activists and proponents of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and other liberal ideologies seemed to have taken control of our nation’s institutions. 

His investigation began in the aftermath of the 2020 George Floyd riots when he observed the widespread influence of CRT during months of seemingly peaceful protests and riots. As he delved deeper into the root causes of this violence, he traced the origins back to 1968, the year of the Tet Offensive. Now, you can gain insights into what went wrong and how America has been reshaped by this insidious campaign.

Rufo, a prominent critic of CRT, discovered that a small group of radical leftists from the 1960s and 70s devised a strategic plan to bring their ideas into the mainstream. This plan, influenced by the concepts of Italian communist Antonio Gramsci, involved a gradual and methodical infiltration of various institutions—a “long march” strategy. The idea was to first infiltrate one institution, win its support for their ideologies, and then use it as a base to expand their influence into other institutions.

Rufo’s research revealed that CRT, along with gender theory and other leftist concepts, had been disseminated throughout America’s major corporations. These ideas originated from American universities, where academics influenced by the ideologies of the 60s and 70s extremists had been teaching their beliefs to students for decades. As a result, many of those former students have risen to positions of power within corporations, government agencies, and the legal system, allowing these ideas to permeate various sectors of society.

In his new book, Rufo provides an in-depth analysis of how this process unfolded and sheds light on the mechanisms employed to spread these ideologies and reshape key aspects of American society.




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