Russia Searches for Allegedly Lost North Korean Nuke

As per information reported on July 15 by Russian state media, the Russian government is currently looking into a situation where a North Korean nuclear missile might have landed in Russian waters on July 12. The investigation is being carried out by Russia’s Defense Ministry, as mentioned by Deputy Foreign Minister Andre Rudenko. However, it is important to note that the Kremlin has no definitive information at this time regarding whether the missile fell within the country’s “economic zone.”

Shortly before the test launch, North Korean state media announced the commencement of Hwasong-18 missile launches, emphasizing that these missiles represent the country’s nuclear prowess. The test was framed as a stern cautionary message directed towards the United States and other international adversaries.

Japan, South Korea, and the United States publicly criticized the test. However, according to Rudenko’s statements to RIA and TASS, North Korea felt compelled to carry out the test in response to recent actions by the Biden administration. He asserted that Washington and its allies were deliberately provoking Pyongyang, forcing it to bolster its nuclear capabilities.

According to United Nations Assistant Secretary-General Khaled Khiari, the most recent missile flight from North Korea had a duration of approximately 80 minutes and covered a distance of 625 miles. The missile ultimately crashed into the sea within Russia’s economic zone, close to Japan’s waters.

In response to the test launch, the G7 issued a statement characterizing it as North Korea’s attempt to enhance its “illegal nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities.” The group also expressed concern that this action contributed to the escalation of the country’s destabilizing activities. Finally, the G7 emphasized that these missile launches posed a significant threat to both international and regional peace.

Starting from 2006, the United States has been enforcing sanctions on the communist regime of Kim Jong-Un in response to its nuclear and missile initiatives. Despite this, the United Nations Security Council has faced challenges in taking firm actions against Pyongyang due to the veto power wielded by Russia and China. Both countries have consistently resisted additional sanctions and have even argued for the easing of existing ones.




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