Hunter Biden’s Paintings Fetch $1.5 Million

Renowned owner of an art gallery in Los Angeles, Georges Bergès, with connections to former President Donald Trump, is under examination by House Republicans for serving as the representative for Hunter Biden, the son of President Biden.

The House committee recently unveiled a thorough summary of the sales of Hunter Biden’s artwork, providing insights into the purchasers and financial agreements. This information emerged during a private interview with Bergès.

A total of ten purchasers obtained artwork from Hunter Biden, amounting to a cumulative $1.5 million. According to the sales agreement, Mr. Bergès is entitled to 40 percent of the proceeds, while Biden maintains ownership of the remaining 60 percent.

Significantly, three buyers have been recognized, leaving the identities of the other seven undisclosed. The most substantial portion of the sales, totaling $875,000, was acquired by Kevin Morris, a close friend and financial supporter of Biden.

Elizabeth Naftali, a Democratic contributor, bought two artworks at prices of $52,000 and $42,000, respectively. Meanwhile, William Jacques, an art collector, friend of Bergès, and co-owner of his gallery, obtained four pieces for a combined sum of $122,500.

Despite acquiring artworks, some Republicans and ethics experts express concerns about the possibility of influence-peddling. Their skepticism arises from the challenge of evaluating the artworks’ value, especially considering Hunter Biden’s relatively unknown status as an artist.

However, supporters of Biden dismiss these allegations, underscoring the artistic merit of the works and highlighting the anonymity of the majority of purchasers. They assert that there are no anticipations of receiving favors from the White House.

The House Judiciary and Oversight committees held a private interview with Bergès on January 9 as part of their impeachment inquiry into President Biden. Hunter Biden is set for an interview on February 28, following negotiations regarding the conditions.

Mr. Bergès, who engaged in a deal with Hunter Biden in December 2020, stated in the interview that he never held discussions with individuals from the White House.

While acknowledging his admiration for Biden’s artistic work and personal journey, Bergès opted against renewing the contract in the past year. The decision was influenced by concerns regarding security, the receipt of death threats, and assumptions regarding his political associations.

Allegedly, the controversy surrounding the sale of art has significantly impacted Biden’s capacity to sell paintings. Prospective buyers are apprehensive about potential subpoenas from House Republicans.




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