Jen Psaki Surprising Response To Why Biden Hid This Truth From Americans

Many White House staff members contracted coronavirus, despite having been fully vaccinated.

These are known as “breakthrough” infections. However, they aren’t uncommon since the vaccine doesn’t stop all viral transmission.

The White House hides from the American people the number of breakthrough infections among its staff.

Jen Psaki was asked by a reporter if she could reveal the number of breakthrough infections that have occurred in the White House.

“This administration has long claimed that you’re trying to be the most transparent in history,” the reporter asked Psaki. “If that’s the case, why won’t you just release the number of breakthrough cases you’ve had among vaccinated staffers?”

Psaki attempted to avoid the topic by highlighting the vaccine’s successes, stating that the country is in a “very different place as it pertains to the virus.” The reporter then asked Psaki about a number of breakthrough cases. He wondered if this was because the administration thinks the truth is too frightening for the public.

“But why not just provide the number? Are you trying to hide something?” the reporter responded.

Psaki made it clear the White House had no intention of telling the public how many of the taxpayer-funded staff at the White House contracted the coronavirus.

“No, but why do you need to have that information?” Psaki shot back.

One reason many Americans are hesitant to take the vaccine is they do not trust the government.

Because of the fear that the number of coronavirus-infected staffers will cause people to not want to get the vaccine, the Biden administration is fostering distrust.




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